Massage Therapy is the assessment and manipulation of soft tissues, specifically, the muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints. It has therapeutic benefits on the body by acting on the muscular, nervous and circulatory system.
It can be preventative or restorative, helping to maintain, rehabilitate, improve physical function or relieve pain. Massage can help alleviate soft tissue discomfort associated with everyday stress, muscular overuse and chronic conditions.
Chinese tuina massage uses various massage techniques, including acupressure to regulate Qi’s flow (Energy) to improve the function of the whole body. Chinese tuina massage is very effective in terms of pain management and many other clinical situations.
Benefits of Massage Therapy:
Massage can be used in the treatment of acute and chronic stages of specific conditions.
Therapeutic Massage maintains your health by:
• Reducing or eliminating pain
• Improving joint mobility
• Reducing swelling
• Reducing scarring
• Improves posture
• Reducing mental stress
• Reducing tension within muscles
• Increasing body awareness
• Promotes better sleep
• Improves circulation
Massage Therapy benefits everyone! Incorporating massage in your lifestyle can have a powerful positive impact on your health!