Dr. Ac. Rong Fu, MD of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a qualified professional Registered Acupuncturist and Registered Massage Therapist (2200 hours) who provides a natural approach to your health and maintains the wellness of your body.
Dr. Ac. Fu graduated from Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the home town of Confucius, and she also finished full diploma training (2200 hours) as a professional Registered Massage Therapist in Calgary. With her five years MD program and over 20 years medical experience, she had excellent and broad knowledge and skills about the diagnostics, acupuncture, cupping, Chinese herbs, moxibustion, Tuina massage and TCM massage.
Dr. Ac. Rong Fu, the founder of Greenlife Professional Health clinic since 2009 in Calgary. She has an over 16 years’ Canadian practice knowledge in delivering health care to her client in Calgary now.
From 1997, she practiced at Shandong Providence Hospital in China as a TCM/Acupuncture doctor for over 10 years and received her Alberta acupuncture registration in 2009. Her expertise are including the nervous system, digestive system, respiratory system, heart and blood vessels system, immunity system, and gynecology & obstetrics disorders, psychiatric disorders etc.
“Most painkillers have various side effects. Acupuncture has almost none.”
–Maiken Nedergaard, University of Rochester neuroscientist
From Science Illustrated July/August 2011
付蓉医生毕业于山东中医药大学中医专业, 拥有超过20年的中医针灸,中药治疗经验。擅长妇科,生殖助孕,不孕不育, 神经科,小儿推拿, 呼吸科,老年科,运动损伤等多种疾病治疗,同时对中医养生和中医保健,针灸助孕, 针灸美容有独到的见解。
诊所可以提供 针灸,艾灸,督灸, 隔药灸, 传统拔火罐,气罐,中草药配制, 小儿推拿,针灸戒烟, 针灸美容 和 针灸减肥 等项目。
常备中成药:感冒清热颗粒;板蓝根颗粒;藿香正气水口服液;念慈庵川贝批杷膏;银翘解毒片;六味地黄丸;知柏地黄丸; 逍遥丸;金贵肾气丸;西瓜霜;复方丹参;鼻敏感丸;马应龙痔疮膏;骨痛贴膏; 珍珠安神颗粒; 西洋参;枸杞;当归; 黄芪;金银花 等等
付蓉医生具有阿尔伯塔省针灸Acupuncture和阿尔伯塔省按摩Massage执照, 各大保险公司均给与资质认可和报销。诊所可以提供直接向部分保险公司报销治疗费用(Direct bill)。